Conference Papers by W1GHZ
in progress December 2024
Large W2IMU Feedhorns for Improved G/T on Offset Dishes
(Microwave Update 2024)
Periscope Antenna Revisited - and Performance Verified
(Microwave Update 2023)
Sectoral Horn Antennas for Microwave Beacons
(Microwave Update 2023)
Feedhorn Analysis for Parabolic Dish G/T
(International EME Confernce 2014)
Septum Feeds - Tolerances and Sensitivity
(International EME Confernce 2012)
Parabolic Dishes with Flat Subreflectors
(Microwave Update 2011)
High-Power Directional Couplerswith Excellent Performance.pdf
(International EME Confernce 2010)
Parabolic Dish Focus, Zoom, and Tilt
(Microwave Update 2009)
Helical Feed Antennas
(Microwave Update 2002)
Polarizers and Feeds (Microwave Update
Enhancing the OK1DFC Septum Feed with a Choke Ring
Enhancing the OK1DFC Septum Feed with a Choke Ring or Chaparral-style Horn,
and A Comparison of some Septum Polarizers
VE4MA and
Chaparral Feeds with Septum Polarizers
by W1GHZ and WD5AGO
High Efficiency Feeds for Prime-focus Dishes
by W1GHZ and WD5AGO
Optimized Dual-mode Feedhorns
Reflector Dish Antennas (EME
Conference 2004 and Microwave Update 2004)